English Majors are the Hot New Hire!

English: Old books

English: Old books (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hot Damn!  I knew it was going to happen someday.  Finally the world starts to appreciate those of us who slaved away all day over a hot book.

Well, ok, more like an old, dusty, smelly thing, written in some strange proto-English the professor insisted they spoke back then.  We smart-ass kids would of course wind the prof up by denying that anyone ever spoke anything like that, and then his eyes would roll back in his head and he would start rolling his R’s and gargling phlegm and twenty minutes of impenetrable verbiage about a guy named Pilgrim or Wanderer or something would issue forth at a level suitable for use by a Battalion Commander on the field of battle.  We would struggle to conceal our tears of mirth, but he made no effort to conceal his tears of… something — what?  I don’t know, Pedantism?

But that’s another story.

I am glad to see this article though, and even though it is now too late for me; Alas poor Whitney, I rejoice in this new-found bounty bestowed upon the young English Major. (Does that sentence make my ass look Pedantic?)

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